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Tradition or Democracy?

From: Mac McIntyre
Category: In My Humble Opinion
Date: 06 Dec 2000
Time: 01:20:10
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Why is it so important that the next President be sworn in on January 20? Tradition. That's the way we've always done it. There is another tradition in this country that has actually been around longer than the inauguration date of the President. Its called democracy. America has been the champion of democracy. We've held our torch high for the world to see. Some of our brightest, most talented young men and women have died in combat protecting our democracy. Because we have held our torch of democracy high the world is now watching us. How important is democracy to the American people? Holding the office of President is obviously important to Al Gore and the Democrats and George Bush and the Republicans. Forgive me if I get the impression that holding the office is more important to the two candidates than democracy itself. Title 3, Section 5 of the United States Code allows for a state to hold a run-off election if the results were too close to call or if controversy exists as to the outcome. Both candidates have talked about 3 U.S.C. Section 5, but we heard nothing from either of them asking Florida to hold a run-off election. It is obviously allowed by Florida law as a mayoral race was decided in a run-off. Could it be their neither Bush nor Gore really wanted to know what the people really wanted? They would rather take their chances in court -- Gore in the Democratic controlled Florida Supreme Court and Bush in the Republican controlled U.S. Supreme Court. On November 7, Bush led Gore in Florida by 1725 votes, when his campaign manager in Florida aka Secretary of State certified the results that lead was 537 votes. I think if they recounted the votes enough Gore would probably win the 25 electoral votes in Florida. But then, I would have to question if Gore really won in Wisconsin, Oregon, Washington, etc. Florida has revealed a flaw in our system. But workers are busy preparing for the Jan. 20 inauguration party -- even if they don't know who will be the toast of the ball. Tradition is important in America. When faced with an unprecedented situation, however, perhaps tradition should take a back seat. Let us show the world how important democracy truly is to America. Let's take our time, and get it right. Dennis Hastert would make a good temporary President. :-)

Last changed: February 05, 2001