Statistics on Agriculture in DeKalb County

The following table was obtained from information provided by the United States Census Bureau: 


        828          942         1063    Farms (number)
     368076       377512   384277   Land in farms (acres)
        445          401          362     Land in farms - avg size- farm (acres)
        269          (N)          (N)      Land in farms - median size of farm (acres)
         77           67           91      Farms by size:  1 to 9 acres
         84          100          105     Farms by size:  10 to 49 acres
        150          168          234    Farms by size:  50 to 179 acres
        264          335          367    Farms by size:  180 to 499 acres
        164          199          208    Farms by size:  500 to 999 acres
         89           73           58      Farms by size:  1,000 acres or more
        785          891         1010   Total cropland (farms)
     355207      362650    365446  Total cropland (acres)
        767          879          991    Total cropland, harvested cropland (farms)
     350465     344473     291617  Total cropland, harvested cropland (acres)
        144          167          229     Livestock and poultry:Cattle/calves inv.(farms)
      27072       34702      42943   Livestock and poultry:Cattle/calves inv.(number)
         45           51           72      Beef cows (farms)
        899         1076         2930   Beef cows (number)
         15           21           27       Milk cows (farms)
       1021         1232         1481   Milk cows (number)
        136          176          222     Cattle and calves sold (farms)
      37982        51353      71827   Cattle and calves sold (number)
        117          188          192     Hogs and pigs inventory (farms)
     154403      178469   117204    Hogs and pigs inventory (number)
        124          202          212     Hogs and pigs sold (farms)
     319878      300683    205199   Hogs and pigs sold (number)
         34           42           66       Sheep and lambs inventory (farms)
       1971         1674       7567     Sheep and lambs inventory (number)
        661          785          888     Corn for grain or seed (farms)
     201709     211712   172456     Corn for grain or seed (acres)
   28766218 28270633 24203559   Corn for grain or seed (bushels)
         59           93          105       Corn for silage or green chop (farms)
       3208         4968         4955   Corn for silage or green chop (acres)
      48970        84997       85139   Corn for silage or green chop (tons, green)
         87           14          137       Wheat for grain  (farms)
       2523          578         3153    Wheat for grain  (acres)
     164644       29118     204702   Wheat for grain  (bushels)
        641          735          782      Soybeans for beans (farms)
     136174     113384        96063   Soybeans for beans (acres)
    6469025    4927795    4538486   Soybeans for beans (bushels)
        168          250          246      Hay-alfalfa, (farms)
       4340         6376         5736    Hay-alfalfa,(acres)
      11359        21332      20542    Hay-alfalfa,(tons,dry)
         60          128          131       Vegetables harvested for sale (farms)
       3640         8316         8981    Vegetables harvested for sale (acres)

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