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Re: Why the Referendum Failed

From: Wake it up people!
Category: General Discussion
Date: 06 Dec 2002
Time: 08:18:32 -0500
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Here we go again. They didn't buy enough people for the last referendum, after giving the teacher's union one of the biggest pay hikes ever, giving Dr. Ali a $40 thousand pay hike, not bad for failing on two referenda. How much will he get if it passes? Will we have a 72 member Ad Hoc committee now? The more people on the committee, the more yes votes, right? Let's wait for the new school board to be elected, possibly then a new superintendent. Is this what Ali really is worried about or is he pushing for this repeat referenda to prove he can pass something? What about that state job that is waiting for him? How long will he be in this town? Why all of the gyms when class sizes was the stressing point? Let's put the money into classrooms not Title IX programs. The superintendent is supposed to help the kids, not use them for extortion in helping his resume and paycheck. Just figure, there was no organized NO group the last referendum and it failed. Organize again NO voters, and let's put this to rest, once and for all.

Last changed: 12/06/02

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