One of Our Favorite Recipes

One of our family's favorite side dishes is Taffy Apple Salad. Please make sure you submit your favorite recipe to our interactive area for others to enjoy!

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Taffy Apple Salad


Large can of chunky pineapple


Cups mini marshmallows


Cup sugar


TSP Flour


Egg(wire beaten)

1 1/2

TSP white vinegar

16 oz Container Cool Whip 


Cups diced apples (about 4)

1 1/2

Cups Spanish peanuts without skins

Drain Pineapple…..Save Juice

Combine marshmallows and pineapple. Put in the fridge overnight.
In a saucepan over medium heat, mix together until thick the pineapple juice, sugar, flower, egg and vinegar. Refrigerate overnight.

Add sauce to pineapple and marshmallows, mix in 16 oz Cool Whip, add the apples and mix well. Add the Spanish peanuts. Then chow down!


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Preparing the Turkey
The Stuffing
Mashed Potatoes
The Table and Beverages
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